“Sleep is not a disposable luxury-it is a non negotiable biological necessity.”
-Matthew Walker Ph.D Neurophysiology
Do you work with multiples or siblings?
Yes! I can work with siblings in the same house, and even in the same room. I also work with multiples from the same pregnancy. The plans will be tailored to each baby and will take the other siblings into consideration.
What if two weeks support isn’t enough?
During our time working together I will give you the tools, and contingency plans to continue the sleep plan on your own once the two weeks has ended. I will also include the information you need to adjust the routine as your baby grows. If you would still like some extra support after the two weeks you will be able to purchase an extra week of support separately.
Will there be a lot of crying?
With any method of sleep training, even the gentle ones, there will be some crying. Crying is your child’s way of communicating with you that they have noticed the changes you’ve made with their routine and they are not sure about it yet. With consistency, your child will quickly learn their new way of falling asleep, or their new routine and the crying will continue to decrease. Often families are pleasantly surprised that the amount of crying is significantly less than what they anticipated.
I am not comfortable using controlled crying, should I still book in?
100% yes! While I believe there is a time and place for all sleep training methods, I do not advocate for leaving your baby to cry without checking and consoling them. At Sweet Dreams Little One we will use a variety of techniques that range from hands on, in room methods, to giving your child more space, and checking in on them in predetermined intervals. The method we choose for your baby will be based on your child’s temperament and age, and what you as the parent/carer, are comfortable with.
What happens once we book in with you?
After you purchase a virtual package, I will email you an intake form with detailed questions so I can get a clear picture of the issues you are having with your child’s sleep. Once I receive this back from you I will begin creating your child’s individualised plan and get this back to you within the week. When you have read the plan, and any questions you may have, have been answered, we will begin implementing the plan, and the two weeks support.
When is the best time to book in?
When what you are doing is no longer working for you, your baby, or your family.
Do I have to wean from Breastfeeding to sleep train overnight?
Absolutely not! Babies wake at night and the only thing that settles them back to sleep is breastfeeding, as it becomes their sleep association. We work towards age appropriate feeds overnight, or what the parents are comfortable with, along with teaching your baby other ways to settle to sleep.