Settling Your Newborn
Of all the things you’ll do as a new parent, one of the most important is learning how to settle your newborn. Getting your little one to calm down and drift off to sleep can be a challenge, especially in those early weeks when you’re both still getting to know each other. But with a little patience, practice, and a few key strategies, you can become a pro at soothing your baby.
Here are some tips for settling your newborn:
1. Swaddle your baby. Newborns often find comfort in being swaddled, as it mimics the snug safe environment of the womb. This can help them feel secure and less overwhelmed by their new surroundings. Just be sure to swaddle your baby safely, following the guidelines for safe swaddling.
2. Use white noise. Babies are used to the constant whooshing sounds of the womb, so replicating those sounds can help to soothe them. You can use a white noise machine and place it 2 metres away from the cot/sleep space. The noise level should not exceed 60 decibles.
3. Rock or bounce your baby. Many newborns find the gentle motion of being rocked or bounced to be very calming. You can try using a rocking chair, a birth ball, or even just holding your baby and swaying back and forth.
4. Offer a Dummy. Sucking can be soothing for babies, so offering a Dummy can help calm them down. Just be sure to wait until breastfeeding is well-established (usually around 3-4 weeks) before introducing a Dummy.
5. Try skin-to-skin contact. Holding your baby close to your chest can help regulate their breathing and heart rate, and can provide a sense of comfort and security. Plus, it’s a great way to bond with your little one!
6. Be patient. Remember, settling your newborn can take time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work right away. Keep trying different strategies and eventually you’ll find what works best for your baby.